
I am an Associate Professor at Tilburg University, and Academic Lead of the Information Systems section. I received my PhD in Business Economics from KU Leuven in 2015. 

I conduct empirical research at the intersection of economics and information systems. My research interests include studying how digital markets and platforms operate and how competition between and on them takes place. Examples of topics I have looked at include the potential biases in recommendation systems, online labor platforms, and reputation mechanisms. I have published papers on these topics in journals such as the Management Information Systems Quarterly, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, and Marketing Science. In addition to my current work in these areas, I have also conducted research on competition policy, specifically examining the effects of minority share acquisitions on competition and the factors that influence cartel stability and collapse. I have published papers on these topics in academic journals such as the American Economic Journal: Microeconomics and the Journal of Industrial Economics.

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Associate Professor of Information Systems

Tilburg University
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